First cycle Academic study Electrotechnics lasts 3 years and and has 180 ECTS. The graduates obtain beside practical skill which is needed for the immediate employment also more profound theoretical knowledge which is needed for the continuation on the 2nd cycle Academic (master) study.
The knowledge enables computer systems design for monitoring, supervision and automatic control of processes and tasks in technical systems. The students earn knowledge about systems, signals and elements in control systems, electronic assemblies in automation, robot systems, modelling and computer simulation as well as about control methods using conventional and advanced intelligent approaches. Additional options represent the subjects offering knowledge about optoelectronics and mechatronics, numerical methods, virtual reality and visual informatics, embedded systems, programmable control systems, low voltage power installations, web technologies and multimedia.

The direction Control systems starts in the 3rd year. However students can choose the introductory subject Automatic control systems already in the 2nd year.
In the 3rd year the following subjects are lectured by the members of LMSC and LAMS: